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Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Two crows harmoniously chatter as they celebrate the end of another beautiful day. The Four of Wands denotes a time of peace and harmony, especially regarding home and family. The Four of Wands also predicts a joyous occasion such as a birth or wedding may be on the horizon. You may also see the Four of Wands as a reminder to connect with those who bring joy and happiness into your life, throw a dinner party, arrange for a backyard barbeque, or have friends over for wine. It may not feel like it at this moment, but you will soon have a reason to celebrate.

When reversed, the Four of Wands represents an instability in your home life or a break-down in a relationship. Although you know that the change is vital to your growth in the long-run you may be finding it difficult to keep a positive attitude.

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