Nine of Wands
After much effort, a final task almost complete. The Nine of Wands denotes a struggle in finishing a project, and despite the consistent successes of the past, there is one last obstacle that needs to be accomplished before moving forward. The Nine of Wands offers encouragement to keep going! Take a moment to bask in all that you have already created - it is from this place you will find the motivation to continue.
You are close to the end; this is not the time to give up after working so hard. Replace the negative feeling or resentment with an open mind and visualize a successful completion.
When reversed the Nine of Wands cautions against blaming others for your lack of progress and asks you to look inward, are the obstacles in your way there to teach you a lesson or are they to self-sabotage because you are fearful of committing fully to the idea or project.
DunnoFyoo like SciFi...
yet I certainly do: I'm a
Near Death Experiencer.
● nrg2xtc.blogspot.com ●
Wanna travel to galaxies?
Write about our adventures?
Rescuing waaayward girls
and, most important, 2B1?
● NOPEcantELOPE.blogspot.com ●
Cya soon, ya wildflower you...
☆ Daniel 12:3 ☆